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Doggie daycare assessment form

It is very important to us at Coleen’s Training Centre, that we look after your dog to the highest possible standard. Please fill out the form below in as much details as possible. Please also remember to keep your dog on a lead at all times unless otherwise instructed by our staff.

About you

Please enter your name
Please enter your address
Please enter your email address
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Emergency contact details

Please enter an emergency contact name
Please enter an emergency contact address
Please enter an emergency contact email address
Please enter an emergency contact telephone number

About your dog

Please enter your name of your dog
Please tell us the breed of your dog
Please tell us the colour of your dogs coat
Please tell us the age of your dog
Please check an option
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Please note that Coleen’s Doggie Daycare cannot accept dogs over 6 months of age into our daycare unless they have been neutered. All dogs must be fully vaccinated including kennel cough vaccine.

Please mark Yes or No to answer the following questions

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Vets Practice Name

Please enter the name of the vet clinic that your dog attends
Please enter the name of the veterinary surgeon that looks after your dog
Please enter the number of the veterinary practice that your dog attends
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Please note, Coleen’s Doggie Daycare use force-free, positive reinforcement techniques with the all the dogs that are using our daycare facility and this includes using food rewards for good behaviour and mental stimulation games. If your dog suffers from food allergies you must let us know in advance. The team at Coleen’s Doggie Daycare are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for your dog to play and train when with us for daycare. Your responsibility as your dog’s guardian is to make sure you keep our team up to date on any health, training or behavioural issues you are having with your dog so we can work with you and your dog in a safe and supportive way.

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